A pleasure to be invited by Simon Dixon to contribute my thoughts to the final part of the DixonBaxi series of insight based pieces conversing with creative leaders across the industry around how they are coping, and how their vision of the future is affected by the C-19 crisis.
DixonBaxi reached out to friends and heroes in the industry they know and admire to ask their thoughts on three questions, to which I gave these responses:
What do you think your most potent learning has been during this situation?
Those on the front foot who invest in developing and understanding more of themselves, and evolving their offer, give themselves the best chance to survive and thrive.
Where do you think the most valuable investment of your time should be now and as you plan ahead?
Encouraging agencies to; step away from the noise, plan, realise what to let go of and where to focus their efforts.
What do you think will be your biggest focus as we move back towards a [new] normal?
Helping agencies gain the valuable ground with ever-more diligent clients who will be most receptive to agencies that offer ‘specific’ expertise and focused insights. Helping agencies to be the best version of themselves.
This was DixonBaxi’s launch piece should you be interested to take a look.