The recent UK Customer Service Institute survey showed that, across all sectors, levels of customer satisfaction have fallen in recent years. The economic situation is of course playing a part and this is potentially driving some organisations, as the economy recovers, to push for winning new customers at the expense of focusing on serving existing customers. Consumer expectations are also going upwards, they are more likely to use things like social media to air any discontent and their needs and preferences are rapidly changing.
For organisations addressing this, they will take various measures, some strategic, some tactical. This should include examining the service design and those touchpoints where business and customer interact. An often over-looked approach is integrating this with improvements to the working environment of the staff who deliver the service and the experience that customers want.
The key message, we think, is that for your people to deliver great customer service they need to be engaged with the business and they need to be working in an environment that supports their work and enables them to be high performing….more